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For more than 50 years, JDC has been contributing to solve the energy crisis in Japan and in many countries, throughout our activities as an offshore drilling contractor.  Today, our planet is in challenged and faces many issues including inequalities and climate change.  This is a reality that we must face with contributing and soluting.

As part of a sustainable society, Japan Drilling will contribute to provide quality services which have been refined over the years in the renewable energy sector, including CCS.

JDC Sustainability Report 2022


Active Participation in CO2 Underground Storage (CCS) Projects

We are actively participating in an offshore CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) project to achieve a carbon-neutral society. CCS, which captures carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere and permanently stores it underground, is considered an essential technology for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. We are helping society to realize CCS using offshore oil and gas well drilling technology.


Fresh water is a precious resource. Our drinking water as well as the potable water used on our offshore rigs is generated from seawater.  Raw water from the onshore bases is no longer an option.  The wastewater is also properly treated in accordance with the MARPOL Convention.  We pay close attention to our activities, so as not to affect the environment, waste is segregated on the rig, in addition, the fuel used on all rigs is low-sulfur fuel specified by the MARPOL Convention, and the fuel that we are using in Indonesia is 30% biodiesel.
We are entering into CO2 reduction projects including CCS in which CO2 is captured and injected into the formation for stored there.
Apart from offshore projects, Tokyo headquarter has reduced 54% of CO2 emissions by introducing of remote work & web
meetings between oversea offices, and by reviewing office space requirements (calculated from the reduction in travel expenses, airfares and office electricity expenses between 2018 & 2021).

Tokyo headquarter has had an eco-friendly PET bottle cap campaign since 2013. Collected caps are used for medical support in emerging countries. We have collected 63,520 caps, which provides vaccines for 79 people (ref: 800 caps provide one vaccine) and a cumulative CO2 emission reduction of 465.32 kg, as of Jun 27, 2024.

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